Monday, August 21, 2006

We're home

The long and the short of it is this...the right hand didn't know what the left was doing. Sam's cultures came back and he doesn't need the horrible, make you throw up, medicine. The nurse was a bit miffed when she came in to take his vitals and found us packing up. Apparently nobody even told her we were discharged.

Lesson more teaching hospitals...ever.

Hugs and internet kisses to you all, my dear readers. I'm off to have dinner with my two guys, pass out some lost dog fliers, have some sort of adult beverage, and go to bed in my nice king sized bed.


MB said...

Wonderful news. So glad you are all home and you deserve that beverage!

Holley said...

Thank goodness!

After all you have been through, you deserve a double large adult beverage. Actually, I should send Chas out to you: he can really mix a potent drink or five.


lorem ipsum said...

I think Sam can use an adult beverage, too, for the grown-up style stress he's been under.

Welcome home to the three of you!

Julie said...

I am so so so happy to hear you are home!! I hope Sam is feeling better now that he is out of that place. Now get some rest!! (((hugs)))

grumpyABDadjunct said...

Oh thank goodness! Much deserved rest for all.

Anonymous said...

Yay!! So glad you're home!

delphi said...

Great news. Pooh on teaching hospitals!

Clare said...

so glad to read you're home now. thinking of you all.

Julie said...

Hooray! So very glad you all are back home where you belong. Glad Sam is on the mend, and that nasty medicine is not necessary! Good luck with finding the lost dog. Have a drink for me, too, and enjoy your own comfy bed!

=) nan said...

ugh. what a complete lack of communication. please complain to the director of the unit about the nurses who failed you guys. and a big BOO to the life specialist. much love. i'm glad sam is home, safe & sound.

love- n

Jillian said...

Excellent news! Drink up and yay for Sam's recovery:)

SWH said...

So glad you're home!!!

And yes... teaching hospitals and practices full of residents sometimes suck.

Hope you had a good nights sleep!

Kellie said...

Glad you're home. Enjoy.

kate said...

Excellent! Annoying about the right and left hand...but EXCELLENT that you are home! I am so glad!

Enjoy your drink(s), you really deserve it!

Diana said...

So glad it's over.
Enjoy that drink AND your bed!

Sarah said...

I'm glad you are home and Sam is doing better. What a relief!

GLouise said...

Glad you are HOME.


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