Wednesday, May 03, 2006

What to blog about today...?

1. Don't EVER consult Dr. Google.
2. My belly hurts from where they pushed in on my fat with the ultrasound wand.

That's all I've got.

Talk at ya later!


Muddystingbee said...

"Don't EVER consult Dr. Google"

I think I need to print this and hang it on the wall over my computer. (And so should you.) :)

Anonymous said...

They did that to me, too. I had pain after my ultrasound and I thought for SURE that they had destroyed something major. No more Dr. Google!!!

Jillian said...

Here here! Dr Google is a complete alarmist. Kind of addictive though... be strong!

laura said...

i don't think they actually NEED to press so hard. i think sonographers are just sadists who enjoy bruising us.

SWH said...

Good luck giving up Dr. Google! I think it may be impossible. :)


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