Tuesday, May 02, 2006

I COULD freak out...but I won't

First...Steve...I told you so. I was right, I was right, I was right.

It's a boy! We will update on names from the short list here in a bit. Famous quote in the decision process, "This is your kid, not a pair of pants." (Said in response to Steve's, "I'm a guy...we don't like to shop around...when we find something we like, we go with it).

Anyway...ultrasound photo will follow sometime.

The details...

Weight approximately 14 ounces.

Big head measuring 21 weeks 5 days.

Four chamber heart looks good.

"Space" in the intestinal area that is most likely a loop of the bowel, but could be something more serious like an adhesion, a bowel obstruction, or a couple other more complicated terms I didn't catch because I was trying not to freak out. I knew we were in trouble when the technician asked the perinatologist to step in. She SAID it was to check the upper lip and some brain anatomy...she LIED...big surprise.

The perinatologist said that there are no other indicators typical of the more complicated "issues," so he is pretty confident that it is just a looped bowel that will work itself out. And even if it is more complicated, "it's better that we know about it before the Beast is born," which means it's not fatal...and is even treatable. But to be sure, we will go back in four weeks for another look. I'm sure my mom will call with a diagnosis based on what "her doctors" think sometime before that. I'll keep you posted. (Love you, mom!) :o)

I'm not freaking out. Steve was. But I'm not. And I think Steve's doing better now that he's had time to digest the fact that the Beast is at least alive...so we're doing pretty good considering our track record. I guess there is something to be said for perspective.

Went to see the OB too. I love him (sorry Steve, but I do).

First, we chatted about the flight surgeon certification program he just got back from. It apparently included a week of survival exercises...during which he got a total of six hours of sleep and lost ten pounds. He doesn't look like a tough guy...but he's apparently tougher than me...I NEED my sleep and my food.

I lost one pound so I'm up a total of five for the pregnancy to this point. For this reason alone, I LOVE the gestational diabetes diet.

Blood pressure was good, but I can't remember it because I was still trying not to freak out at that point.

The good news was that I can discontinue testing my blood sugar for now! YIPPEE! As long as I stick with the diet, it looks like my levels are doing great, so there's no need to keep sticking my fingers. I will go back in four weeks for the tasty glucola test, just to be sure.

Quad screen was normal.

I asked about the kick counts and he said not to be too serious about it for another three or four weeks. The quote was, "They (the nurses) like things done their way, but I'm the doctor." LOL

OK...names...the list is here in front of me and Steve seems settled on one name, but I'm still mulling it over. I'll let you know.

Edited to add:
Having mixed feelings about the Beast being a boy. But I'm planning to shoot for alive and healthy for now...I'll deal with the emotional turmoil later. :o)

Edited again to add:
There was a woman leaving the hospital with her new baby girl (sitting in a wheelchair with a nurse behind her with the carseat...baby all dressed in pink from head to toe)...and for the first time, I could see myself there. I could see myself taking a baby home again. It was a very welcome change from the standard freak out.


Chan said...

I've been out of bed for an hour (and yes 8am is early for me!)refreshing like crazy waiting for news.
A little boy! Congratulations guys!

Julie said...

Yay! It's a boy! Yay on the blood sugars! I'm sure the loopy thing will be okay. The quad screen was good! I'm so happy for all of you!

Anonymous said...

Whoooohooooo!! Wonderful news. Hoping that the "space" is just a loop, and having a good feeling that things are going to be just fine.

laura said...

congrats on a healthy boy, and on being able to enjoy it all and visualize a happy future.

kate said...

Congratulations!! Hoping & praying all is well with the 'space', sounds like it is most likely nothing to worry about....i am sure they will watch you closely though. A bouncing baby boy, big congrats to you!!

Jillian said...

Ahhhhhh, nice :) What great news and I will be hoping that the loop sorts itself out by the next u/s.

Congrats to you!!

SWH said...

I'm glad that you have mostly good news!!! And that the concerns are hopefully just lead to cautious monitoring.


Roxanne said...

Oh Yeah! I am glad that everything is okay (at least for the most part) and that the peri is not too concerned. Good news!

Julian's Mom said...

Good job not freaking out and keeping a positive attitude! I'm hoping everything continues to be of little concern.

Ann Howell said...

Sam's going to have another little brother, hooray! Glad to hear that everything is (mostly) on track. And kudos for you for staying so calm!

Laura said...

Oh, a boy! Hooray, Catherine! I'm sure that everything will be fine, and work itself out. You're so inspiring :) (((hugs)))

AJW5403 said...

Congrats on your boy!! I will keep you in my thoughts that when you go back for a second u/s all will be fine with the baby. I know how stressfull this is. And how great no more finger sticks for you. Wish that was the case for me.

Diana said...

oh boy oh boy A BOY! yay! and triple YAY! on the blood sugar...
keeping you in my thoughts.

MB said...

WAHOOO for the Beast! A Boy! Fabulous. So excited for you guys. Keep "not freaking" for the moment...

Muddystingbee said...

I'm so glad I checked in! Great to hear that the Beast is doing well - and I'm glad you're calm about the bowel thing. I'm hoping for you that the peri is right and it's nothing to be concerned about. And yay for boys! :)

cat said...

Congrats and we will be here wishing you, steve and the beast the best of luck in everything to come. May that loop work itself out and end up being nothing to worry about in the long run.

So glad the beast is alive and well. *hugs*

Sherri said...

Congratulations on the good news! Here's hoping that all continues to go well and continues in this positive manner. Great job taking such good care of yourself and the beast so far in spite of all that is on your mind...Congrats! And I admire your strict diet adherence - a strength I wish I had!!

grumpyABDadjunct said...

My face hurts from smiling - I'm so damned happy for you guys.

lorem ipsum said...

Wow! A boy!

Somehow I couldn't imagine anything else...



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