Monday, May 01, 2006

Pictures from my yard

Primroses in my Alex garden

Don't ya love how this one is yellow...with red buds? hmmm....

The reason Steve isn't allowed to mow the lawn

Pansies for Alex

Ranunculus for Sam

Daffodils before the big freeze.

Any ideas what this is? I have ONE in my back yard.

Pink Tulips

The one remaining red tulip (planted five years ago when we first moved in)

Isn't this the most gorgeous color tulip?

This is the bird that has taken up residence in the tree off our deck. He does not like it when we are out there and gives us a "talking-to" every time.


cat said...

Those are lovely photos... what a magical place your backyard.

Hope everything went well today. Thinking of you all.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! That purple one looks like a grape hyacinth? Not sure...

Runelady said...

Kathy mcc is right - it is a grape hyacinth - a very small one. You may have had more and either planted them too deep or was visited by chipmunks - or any number of bulb eating creatures. LOL

kate said...

Beautiful! I love the primroses the best...i have been holding off but maybe i will have to give in and buy some after all...

Julie said...

They are lovely. I like the ranunculus and the apricot tulip. My crocus didn't do terribly well this season, and I only had one tulip emerge. I don't think they enjoy doggydoody.
What kind of a bird is that?
I wish I had a yard. sniff.

Ann Howell said...

What gorgeous flowers! And I agree with the grape hyacinth diagnosis. I bet a squirrel deposited a rampant bulb. I have a couple of daffodils that have cropped up in unusual places, which I can only put down to squirrels. It's going to be a couple more weeks before things really start getting going here. I've got the daffodils and bridal wreath in bloom, but besides that, not even the tulips are out yet. You've got a wonderful green thumb!

Laura said...

Beautiful...I'm so inspired!

Sherry said...

Ooooh - I love gardening pictures! Your little feathered visitor looks like a nuthatch, maybe? I've only ever caught a quick glimpse of one a few years ago.

Diana said...

your flowers are beautiful. I wish i could keep one up like that...


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