Thursday, December 08, 2005

Thursday Challenge - Orange


msfitzita said...

Hey, this is a great idea! Maybe I'm slow, but is this your idea - are you proposing the words and issuing a challenge, or is this a challenge from another source? I'm intrigued...

Catherine said...

There's a button way down on my links list for Thursday's Challenge. It's run by a photographer, but the fun is open to pros and amateurs alike. You visit his site and list your picture. I think I was 114 or so for this week. And of course, it's so much fun to look at everyone's pictures...there are some really talented people there.

fts...welcome and thank you for your kind thoughts.

Joe...welcome. We love sarcasm around these parts...stick around and enjoy the show. :oP

Anonymous said...

Hi Catherine -- You appear to be off to a great start with your digital camera. I've been meaning to get one but have been slow. Maybe the longer I delay, the cheaper they'll get & the easier to use. At least I'm hoping...

Sweet Coalminer said...

Beautiful! Perfect.

Anonymous said...

Very cool!


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