Friday, July 16, 2010

Miscellaneous thoughts

So what WAS that horrible self-indulgent whine-fest about the other day?!?! I still have moments, in case you couldn't tell.
I hurt by shoulder/back/neck somehow, though I don't recall how, and took some percocet to help (after three days of no sleep...I NEEDED to do something). Well, let me tell you, that was the WORST sensory memory EVER and I will NEVER do it again. I will be leaving the heavy-duty drugs to the hospital from this point as not to mess my head up too much.
I want to photograph a wedding but am having a hard time asking people if I can crash their special day in order to build my portfolio. I asked an acquaintence/friend if I could photographer her newborn and felt like a complete freak doing so. I can't wait until things turn around and people ask ME (here's hoping, anyway).
I was HAPPY that the scale was under 220. There is something very wrong with that.
I wanted to sew instead of taking my son to a birthday party. But I sucked it up and it was a nice time for everyone.
We have a new foster dog that has clearly been beaten before. He doesn't understand that things are different now. He is so very sad and it breaks my heart. I really want five minutes alone with the ass that did this to him.
Blah. Committee work. Need I say more?
The eight-year-old has turned into a tattletale whiner and the two-year-old has turned into a screamer. Remind me that it's just a phase please.
I finally went through the big pile of papers my son brought home on the last day of second grade. In it I found a couple writing assignments that literally made me cry.

"Dear Mom, I never really liked my life. Did you know that I want to run away sometimes?"

Yeah. Parent-of-the-year here.
The MOM Project has "slowed down" due to lack of funds and lack of volunteers. But I still have beads and I'm still making bracelets (especially for loss moms). So if you hear of someone who "needs" a bracelet, please just let me know.

1 comment:

Rosepetal said...

ouch for the writing assignment!

Your last post wasn't a whinefest at all, in fact it resonated with me. These days I don't feel "coloured" by my loss but defined by it. Something I need to work at as it makes me angry all the time.


My mom insisted on living independently. She wanted to live in the two-story house she and my dad built in the 70s, despite the fact that da...