Saturday, January 17, 2009

#3 way to change the world

Nonviolent Peaceforce

Nonviolent Peaceforce (NP) is a nonpartisan unarmed peacekeeping force composed of trained civilians from around the world. In partnership with local groups, Nonviolent Peaceforce members apply proven nonviolent strategies to protect human rights, deter violence, and help create space for local peacemakers to carry out their work.

1 comment:

dena said...

Hey,I know how you feel about the cold and ice........ugh. Spring cant come soon enough around here. I am in Wisconsin and we have had everything that has come your way. Hey, I LOVE your idea of 52 causes. I just wanted to suggest one for you. It is called Samaritans Feet and a Ron Hunter, mens basketball coach from IUPUI(Indiana/Purdue combo campus in Indy) has brought alot of attention to it. It provides shoes for kids in third world countries, but this year Coach wants to provide shoes to kids in the poorest neighborhoods in New Orleans. I know you can google the organization.It is a neat organization, and one I thought you might want to put on your list of causes:) I enjoy your blog....and I am really impressed by your passion to help others. Thanks for sharing:) Dena


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