The screen dares me to write something...anything...but the words don't come. I can only find these little bits and pieces to share. I'm not sure what the problem is...but I'm hoping a trip to BlogHer in July will shake things loose again. Until then, you'll have to live with the bits and pieces.
Sam has taken to saying, "Oh shit," when things don't go his way. Damn it all to hell.
I'm wearing lipstick! It's taken more than two years, but I'm finding some fun in makeup and jewelry and pretty clothes again. It's weird.
There is this whole "new" group of deadbabymamas in the blogosphere. It disturbs me.
I got a new cell phone for (early) Christmas. Now I just have to figure out how to work it.
Christmas shopping is kicking my butt. I still have so many gifts to get...not to mention the handful I'd like to MAKE. And I'd really love to bake some cookies this year. There may not be enough time to get it all done...we'll see.
I have so much work to do. And I was handed two tax valuation cases this week. The fun never ends!
Did you see the White House sent out invitations to a Jewish Holiday reception? with a drawing of a horse-drawn carriage delivering a Christmas tree on the front? I swear, I'm going to miss this President if only for the endless laughter he provided.
Thanks for all your suggestions and comments. We did get the transport filled and Macy and her puppies will be on their way to rescue this Saturday (and hopefully a much better life with people who love them).
Daisy made it through her oral surgery and, despite being about ten teeth lighter, is quite a happy little camper snarfing up her vet-ordered soft food this week. I'm going to have to post pics of her soon...maybe after she gets a good grooming. She is such a pretty old girl.
Sam went Christmas caroling with Cub Scouts at a local nursing home the other day. Prior to that he didn't know what a nursing home was. Nor did he know any lyrics to any Christmas carols (or so he said...I KNOW he knows Jingle Bells). We made a half dozen handmade Christmas cards to hand out (crafty mom enjoyed that bit...but forgot to take pics...sorry)...and he had fun. So I guess we can declare success all around.
I really really wish the gal in the office next to me would pick up her feet when she walks. The shuffling is getting on my nerves.
This is how great of a parent I am the fourth time around. I still haven't sent away for Myles birth certificate. I JUST noticed that I never actually PAID for Myles' life insurance. Nice. I'm sure there are all kinds of Freudian implications hidden in there...but really...I just feel like a slug for not having done them. Off to correct that problem...!
Did I show you this picture yet? Yes, like his brother before him, Myles has discovered the joy of playing in the dogs' water bowl.
At least my floors will be clean during this phase.
Okay, now I am definitely going to BlogHer if I can meet you!
Weeee! So excited!
Marjorie did the water bowl thing at the in-laws last weekend. All over their new kitchen floor. We had to move the fridge to get all the water up so as to not ruin the new floor. Fun stuff.
I haven't gotten Marjorie's birth certificate either, if that makes you feel any better. ;) I suppose I should since I want to get passports for all of us so we can visit my folks in Mexico some winter. Not that it will be anytime soon I can afford 4 plane tickets.
word verification is Fonsi, how cool is that?
I feel this constant, irrational sense of guilt that I can't keep track of all the new and not-so-new deadbabymoms. And that I don't have nearly enough to give them.
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