Monday, November 10, 2008

True Love

I read online about a Star Wars Pumpkin Carving kit available exclusively at Target. A week before Halloween, I sent Steve to find one. He called and asked me to find the SKU and text it to him...because he wasn't having any luck. I was disappointed to find that nobody had a good enough photo of the actual package so I could copy the UPC.

But my man was not to be deterred. The Daddy who, despite the sighs and eye rolls, really wants to see his son's eyes light up...the hunter/gatherer...refused to return to the nest empty-handed. He kept looking...rummaging through shelves of generic Halloween accessories...peering behind Star Wars costumes and related paraphenalia...already planning to visit a different store the next day if need be. A final desperate look behind the Disney princess pumpkin carving kits and...voila! He found one and returned home a hero!

We shall not discuss the profanity that accompanied the actual carving of the pumpkins. But they do look good, don't they?


Jelly-Filled said...

Delightful these pumpkins are. Worth the search and the profanity they were.

marcia said...

I'm impressed!!

Anonymous said...

Very cool! I just showed my son and he loves them, too.

kate said...

they certainly do, wow!


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