Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Quick question

How long do you have, after a baby is born, to send a baby gift? Does it become inappropriate after a certain length of time?


MB said...

I think you can do it anytime. I think if the thought is there, then have at it.

DD said...

I can't imagine how any parent would be offended by a baby gift regardless of when it's sent as long as it isn't a newborn outfit for a child who is now 8 months old.

Laura said...

I hope not, because I'd sure like to send something for Myles :) I had stuff all picked out for him that might fit on one leg now! I kinda fell of the face of the earth for awhile, I'm sorry. I'm trying to get caught up with everyone.

Cristin said...

Who would turn down a baby gift?! I'd still accept one and it's been ten months. LOL

Anonymous said...

As long as the kid isn't ready to go off to college, you're fine!

ama said...

I dropped off a baby quilt for a child on Saturday that was born in February.... of 2007. It was warmly welcomed and appreciated.

Bon said...

i think gifts are pretty much always welcome. we all know stuff comes up. :)

delphi said...

I sent to my cousin a gift that was a baby gift but became a first birthday gift...

Shinny said...

I agree with everyone else, gifts are always appreciated and sometimes it is nicer to get a gift after several months that may be something that you realize, after getting used to the baby, you could really use.

You sometimes get overwhelmed when the baby first arrives with small clothes or stuff for a new baby, and now at 8 months could use some bigger clothes or bibs or whatever. Or even a giftcard for diapers is appreciated, especially with the cost of them these days. ;)

If the person you are sending the gift to is offended, then they are rude.

kate said...

Yeah, i vote with everyone else, whenever you get it out the door works!


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