Monday, November 19, 2007


So yesterday I said to Steve, "Just think, this time next week we could conceivably be holding a new baby."

He replied, "It's inevitable at this point...undeniable."

I laughed sarcastically and said, "Nothing is inevitable with me."

And because sick humor is alive and well in our house, Steve snorted, "Well, either way, we'll get to hold him.
The crib is moved into our room.
We bought a glider and assembled it and placed it in our room.
The diaper stacker is stacked with diapers.
The "coming home outfit" is washed and dried.
The burp cloths are stored for easy access.
All the necessities are in place.
Myles has his Christmas ornament for the tree.
Hope is here and I think she's here to stay.
Fear is also here...but I beat him into submission in a corner every so often.
It's never good news when the OB calls you himself.

Mild preeclampsia.

We may just hit the eject button tomorrow (November 20th).
Back off Fear or I'm going to get nasty with you!
People are starting with the wanting to know "when it happens." I feel like I should prepare a phone tree so I'm only responsible for calling one person. And, quite honestly, I'm not even sure I can handle calling one person. This is going to get interesting...I can tell already.


Sweet Coalminer said...

Sorry for your diagnosis, but excited for the arrival. If it is tomorrow, all the very best for your family.

It sounds like you are very prepared and at a pretty good mental place. Can't wait to see Myles!

Unknown said...

I can't wait to see pictures! (And let me add before your mind goes to THAT place that I can't wait to see pictures of a SCREAMING baby!) :)

SWH said...

Waiting and hoping along with the crowd!

Shinny said...

Feel free to call me and I will post the news for you. Wishing you the best and like others have said, waiting, hoping and can't wait for pictures.

Serenity said...

Fingers crossed and hoping for you, whether it's tomorrow or next week.


Julie said...

Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. I cant wait to hear of Myles' SAFE arrival!!

Jess said...

We will mention you tonight in our prayers. Wishing you an esy delivery and LOTS of screaming baby pictures!

Sherri said...

All I can add is that I love you and will be checking for updates like a madwoman... Every ounce of my being is directing all energy toward wishing you and Myles a safe journey with the happiest healthiest outcome.

marcia said...

November 20 sounds like a very good birthday for a bouncing baby boy! will have your regular appointment tomorrow, and then make decisions??? Get as nasty as you need to with Fear, Catherine. I'm praying for Peace to replace him after you kick him into the corner one last decisive time!

Anonymous said...

Wow I need to practice my "refresh" skills!! I am thinking of you and I can't wait to see that beautiful healthy little guy!

Everyone Has a Story... said...

Having been following tyour "story" for over two years...
I. Cannot. WAIT!

Thinking good thoughts, praying many prayers, and hoping that the miracle arrives, just as planned!

Come on Myles, we are waiting for you!

Please, if nothing else, have the hubby (or friend) post just one picture. That is all we need!

Katalyst said...

Oh, I can't wait either. I mostly lurk here, but you've had my thoughts and support for a long time now, it seems. Whomever gets the news- please, please let the rest of us know!

Holley said...

Take that Fear! I hope that it is soon replaced by Love and Joy.

We're thinking of you.

Love ya.

Kendra's mom said...

Thinking of you and sending lots of good wishes across the seas.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I know this is going to sound strange as I only delurked a little while back but...

I wonder if there is some sort of unexplainable bond that grieving mothers can feel. Because as I read this post, the fear...the anxiety and best of all the hope and excitement rush through me just as I approached the end of my pregnancies after loss.

My thoughts are with you and my wish is that soon you will be able to finally take that deep breath when you hear Myles scream!

Hedda said...

I'm very excited for you. Maybe the doc will decide to move things along so you don't have to worry for another week.

Looking forward to the exciting news.

grumpyABDadjunct said...

My guts are churning for you guys, and we are ready to weep tears of joy or sorrow depending on what happens. Joy is the preferred option, can you work on that for us? :)

Elizabeth said...

OMG! November 20 - that's today.

Holding my breath for update.

Beruriah said...

Ack. Like someone above me already said, I am sorry about the pre-e diagnosis, but hopeful for Myles's arrival.

I will be anxiously awaiting the announcement!

Becci said...

Can't wait to hear some great news!

The Nanny said...

Crossing fingers, toes, etc. for you! Can't wait to hear news!!! :-)

Anonymous said...

I'll be thinking good thoughts for you all tomorrow :) (I'm so excited ;) xxx)...

Roxanne said...

Could it be today? Eeeeekkkkk!!!!!!

Rosepetal said...

oh Catherine, I'm thinking of you so much and wishing you all the very best.

Ruby said...

I will be eagerly awaiting any news or pictures.

I'll be thinking of you and praying for you and Baby Myles.

delphi said...

Pins and needles! Pins and needles.

Love to you all.

Unknown said...

Waiting and hoping with everyone else. I've been a major lurker for a long time but wanted to leave you a comment to let you know that I was thinking of you and wishing you and your family only good things.

Can't wait to hear!

MB said...

I may expire from the not-knowing-ness...

Kel said...

Refresh, refresh, refresh. Just checking in for updates. I've also been a lurker, but following your journey.

Wishing you peace and strength.

Roxanne said...

Since we haven't heard anything....

Gretchen said...

Thinking of you, Catherine. I am totally stalking your blog right now, waiting for the big announcement.

kate said...

I got an email, they are planning for him to come today !!!!!!!!

That's the last i have heard so far....

marcia said...

Thanks, Kate! We'll keep praying... and refreshing! :)

Kim said...

Is he here? Is he here? Your public awaits! :)

msfitzita said...

Waiting and praying!!!

Jillian said...

Hmm, here's me thinking the whole eject button thing was a very big maybe. Thickhead, I am:)

Will now commence to send constant well wishes and love to you all and I wait in anticipation of excellent news. Hoping hard for you Catherine, Steve and Sam :)

kp said...

she would've posted by now if she wasn't in the hospital having a baby. right?


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