Monday, October 08, 2007

Genius, I tell you!

Standing in Baby Depot, looking at pregnancy items (maternity belts, snuggle pillows, etc.), my son sees "the pregnancy wedge" and says, "You should buy me one of those as a ramp for my Lightning McQueen."

Always thinking outside of the box, I tell ya. I'm so proud.


Shinny said...

I need two of those so I quit ending up on my back in the middle of the night. Everytime I wake up on my back I freak that I have cut off all the blood circulation to her. Makes for really good sleep, NOT! I don't think we have Baby Depot in these parts.

Anonymous said...

I knew that boy was smart!!

Aurelia said...

OMG, that's so hilarious!

Holley said...

Angie uses the wedges at my in laws home as slides.


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