Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Painting...painting...and more painting

My arms ache and I need to buy more paint to complete the job.

Halloween is over. Sam was the only trick-or-treater in my parents' neighborhood (my mom says she saw others, but I question her sanity. Sam went to five houses...he counted them. At each house he announced, "Trick-or-Treat. I'm Sam!" I love that kid!

I saw my first Christmas commercial. Crest White Strips...with, "I'll Be Home for Christmas," as the music track. Crest White Strips will make my Christmas better...happier. Maybe I'll buy some.

And I'm too tired for anything else...

Siding almost complete (color = cypress green)

The purple bathroom (color = twinkle toes)...


Jillian said...

It looks fantastic, a real dream house. Not that I'm in any way jealous.....

Anonymous said...

Looks great! Don't forget to send me your addy, I have a "housewarming" present for you...

Roxanne said...

Wow! The house looks great!

Dana said...

i agree, the house looks AWESOME!!! i like that purple. very pretty. you've inspired me to totally steal your idea and paint my own bathroom purple. ;)

sam is such a sweetie. i miss that kid. :/

Diana said...

Your house is looking absolutely gorgeous. Congrats on that!

grumpyABDadjunct said...

"I'm Sam!" Hilarious.

Your house looks amazing! I wish I could help you paint, I kind of like painting.

AJW5403 said...

The house looks great!! Do you have any idea when they might be done with all of it?

kate said...

Looks fah-bu-lous! Perhaps you will inspire me too...i am a color-phobe myself, 'paint it white' is always my first neighbor, on the other hand, painted her dining room this deep velvet is beautiful.

Sarah said...

It's looking great Kate!


My mom insisted on living independently. She wanted to live in the two-story house she and my dad built in the 70s, despite the fact that da...