Friday, October 06, 2006

No good deed

I'm a relatively smart individual...really. You would think I would learn by now that it is true what they say. No good deed goes unpunished.

As if it's not painful enough to have to shuttle unused baby items from room to room while we have no safe storage space during home renovation. Steve and I decided that the stuff that was intended for Travis should go to charity. That way it goes to someone who could use it and we get a little tax break. Sounds easy enough, right?

So why is it that I can't find anyone who will take the damn stuff?!?!?

I mean, we're talking a brand new crib mattress...still wrapped in the plastic...and a brand new crib set...still wrapped in its original wrap. You would think SOMEBODY would WANT this stuff.

Homesafe, the domestic violence shelter, is not accepting anything at this time. The other local organization (...because I am NOT shipping a mattress...I am kind...but I do have my lmits) is not 501(c)(3) (which really makes me wonder now about the donations they take in).

So what IS a person to do? All I want to do is do something good for someone!

I'm THIS close to freecycling it and letting go of the idea of a tax deduction. It's not worth the added sadness it is bringing. I think it's just time to let it go.

But dammit...I didn't get the kid...I should at least get the measly twenty bucks knocked off my taxes!


SWH said...


I'm trying to come up with hassel free options...

Email your OB and see if they know of any other places? Or any people who really need some help?

Ok... not many great ideas.

Anonymous said...

Have you thought about consignment? We have a place up the street that gives me 50% of the money they earn from selling my stuff. You could consign and then donate the earned money to whichever charity you choose in Travis' name. Just a thought.

Lisa P. said...

I'm wracking my brain to try to think of another charity that might be an option, but nothing's coming to mind right now. There has to be someplace though...

Kellie said...

Do you have a Goodwill store by you? They will take anything and they give you a receipt so you can write it off on your taxes. We donate stuff there all the time.

Anonymous said...

Have you tried a local YMCA. Most of them have affiliated Daycares, and are certainly 501(c)...Something to think about.

Runelady said...

Job and Family Services won't take the baby stuff? Mayhaps you should try other counties. Orrrr, someone on the Internet? Orrr a local ophanage??? Just thought I'd offer a few suggestions but you've probably thought of them all, huh?
I love you - Mom


My mom insisted on living independently. She wanted to live in the two-story house she and my dad built in the 70s, despite the fact that da...