My sister and her husband ~ Thank you for being here. Thank you for the flowers for Travis. Thank you for hanging out and just being normal with us for a bit.
My brother ~ Thank you for being here. Thank you for taking everyone shopping and getting the good beer for Steve. :o)
H and C and A ~ Thank you for being here and for making the cemetery a fun place for Sam. Thank you for one of very few smiles and laughs on this awful day. Thank you for the birthday gift for Sam. I think he may have fallen asleep with the tractor in his hand.

My Mother-In-Law ~ Thank you for the card and gift. I know it takes a weight off Steve's mind to be able to take time off work to spend with us without worry.
The people at my office ~ Thank you for thinking of us and supplying us with enough food to last the entire weekend (and probably beyond). You are good people.
Everyone who left an email, ecard, comment, or post on a message board ~ Thank you for thinking of us.
Dan at the cemetery ~ Even though you don't read this...Thank you for taking such good care of our boys. We know it's especially difficult for you and we appreciate the effort you make for them.
The staff at the hospital, including Dr. I, Dr. A, and Dr. E ~ Thank you for taking such good care of us and offering us more than just medical care. The love you shared with us will help us face the coming days and months with a sense of peace that would not have been possible without you.
If I have missed you with a thank you, it is not intentional. I am really working hard to keep it all together and I am maybe not doing as good a job as I should.
I am thinking of you especially on this Mother's Day. I wish so much that all of your children were here to celebrate with you. You are an amazing woman and you deserve much more happiness than the universe is allowing right now. Much love and many peaceful thoughts.
Nothing I can say, but just wanted to let you know, you and your entire family are in my thoughts and prayers.
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