Tuesday, March 14, 2006

It's all good

The Beast is cooking away...using his/her hands to wipe his/her face...or maybe trying to suck his/her thumb. Heartbeat somewhere around 140. I gained ZERO POUNDS! Woohoo!

The Doppler didn't work (thanks for the warning, Kathi), so he told me not to despair, he would get the ultrasound machine and we'd take a quick peek. I did not throw up...nor did I freak out completely. I just stared at the mobile of blue and purple fish hanging from the ceiling (Steve...now I know why that's there).

I cried when I saw the Beast appear on the screen. No longer a blob, the Beast now has arms and legs and fingers and toes. The stakes seem so much higher now.


kate said...

(((((((hugs))))))) and congrats on the good news!!! How far along are you now?

SWH said...

Arms and legs and a heartbeat!!!! very very good....

Sherri said...

Congrats on "the beast" showing off that he/she has all his/her preferred appendages right where they should be! I am glad you got to have the u/s done and got a glimpse. Thinking happy healthy thoughts for you and the little one you are sharing your body with - and I am WAY impressed at the zero weight gain!!! :-)

sillyhummingbird said...

Yay! What a happy sight! Relish in the moment of it all!

Heather said...

Oh, that is wonderful news! Woohoo!

Roxanne said...

Yeah!!!!!! Soooo happy to hear this!

AJW5403 said...

Congrats on the great appt. I am so happy for you.

MB said...

WAHOO! Another one for Catherine!

Chan said...

Fantastic news Cathrine!

Sweet Coalminer said...

Oh good. We love arms and legs. You're infinitely closer than you were a month ago.

Jillian said...

Yay!! Great news! Go Beast!!!!!

Runelady said...

I think this is going to be one in a long line of hard days for your mom. I rejoice you are okay. Your mom

Anonymous said...

Yay beast!

Ann Howell said...

Arms and legs, fingers and toes -- all great things! So happy the Beast is thriving so far. And you're going to have to give up on the dream of a zero weight gain pregnancy, I fear, but it's impressive that you've held your ground until now. Now treat yourself to some Hagen-Daaz, or something, lol!

grumpyABDadjunct said...

I'm happy and scared for you, and really excited too. Hang in there Beast and parents!

Muddystingbee said...

Oh, I'm so glad for you. Hooray! Keep cooking, Beast!


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