Friday, February 03, 2006

Complicated math word problem for the insanely hopeful

Monday at work, I thought I felt a twinge in an odd spot.

Monday night, I went to sleep very early. Sometime in the middle of the night, I coughed in my sleep and woke myself up when my cough pulled a muscle painfully around my belly.

Tuesday I got a bloody nose at work.

Tuesday night I hobbled home from the leg cramps in my legs.

Wednesday I jumped at the chance to make cheeseburgers for Sam for lunch.

Wednesday night, I tossed and turned all night.

Thursday morning, while driving to work and thinking, "Could I be...?" I saw a crow fly across the road and land in a field next to another crow.

Thursday afternoon...

One week later...

One week later...completely convinced that I'm not pregnant. No symptoms. Nothing. I'm having terrible pregnancy nightmares and not sleeping at all. Of course, I've been sleeping for three days because of the stomach flu (and was the wasn't morning sickness...I know the difference) maybe I'm just not tired.

Something I've been thinking about...if ONE nurse or doctor comes at me with a tape measure at ANY time, I'm going to strangle them with it. They used that thing on me the whole time I was pregnant with Alex and they were off by who knows how many weeks. He weighed over 9lbs and he was only 35 weeks! Tape measures have NO place near me...unless I'm being fitted for some fancy clothes. That's my new rule.

Appointment January 31st. Lord, I'm going to be a fun patient.

We have a heartbeat.

Due date 9/22/06...which means absolutely nothing to us. The doctor's words, "We'll get the baby to a nice viable size, ready to be born, and get em the heck out of there." So I'm thinking sometime early August. Our anniversary is August 13th...that would be nice.

Morbid humor from the appointment.
Doctor: So are you planning for a repeat c-section then?
Me: Don't really care as long as it comes out alive.
Doctor: Ummm...yeah...that would be the goal.
Poor guy.

I think I'm going to go freak out, if you don't mind.

Guess this explains all the nightmares.

Sorry for the delay in posting this. I had to tell mom first (Hi mom!). :o)


Chan said...

OMG Catherine! I can't believe you kept it a secret for more than a week!!
A huge congratulations to all of you!
This is awesome news!
I wish I could say something wonderful and profound, but......OMG!

Pam said...


Anonymous said...


Wowsers! wow! WOW!

GO ahead freak out.

I'm excited for you. I know to say your nervous would be a huge understatement. I think morbid humor is good.

Big hugs to you.

MB said...

Freak out totally allowed (and expected).

Congratulations. Could you pllleeeaaassee send some of your *fertileness* my way?

Anonymous said...

OMG Catherine!!! I am so surprised and thrilled and happy for you!! What a beautiful little baby you have there, with a beautiful little heartbeat. I hope this goes quickly for you so that you'll have that healthy, screaming baby in your arms ASAP. (((hugs))) Congrats!

Anonymous said...

Would you believe me if I told you I knew it all along? ;)

Roberta said...

Oh my gosh, Kate. Oh my gosh. Much love coming at you today and everyday throughout your pregnancy. Congratulations. HUGS!

Julie said...

OMG Cathy!! Congrats (and feel free to freak out all you want!!) I am so happy for you. Wishing you all the best, and a healthy living baby at the end. (((hugs)))

lorem ipsum said...


Julie said...

You totally rock.
I'm so happy for you!

Anonymous said...

Oh my. Congrats Catherine.


Heather said...

Oh Yay!!!! I am crying, I am soooooo happy for you and Steve! I wish I could just squeeze the stuff out of you right now. Congratulations!

sillyhummingbird said...

Hooray! What absolutely beautiful news!

Anam Cara said...

Wow, wow, wow!!! I am elated! That is fantastic news. You are good at keeping secrets. I was already jumping around the room because of gabe's mama's posting that I just read! Now I can't stop dancing!

Anonymous said...

Oh Catherine---my happiest congratulations to you!

msfitzita said...

OMG!! I'm speechless!!! I'm also SO thrilled for you! I'll be praying hard for your little peanut.


Diana said...

OHMYGOD!!!OHMYGOD!!! you just made my day, I am soooooooooooo happy for you!!! I had a miscarraige at 8 wks before my Little Man (nothing compared to your loss). I read you every day- just thought you should know you have a stalker...
but- YAY!!!

marybid said...

Tears of joy over here, Kate! I am so excited for you guys!

hugs galore!

kate said...

CONGRATULATIONS! WHoo-hoo!! Beautiful pic of the little one! I am so happy for you!

and i can NOT believe you did not tell us for so long, SHEESH. Huh. Grrr. Well, i guess i forgive you ;)

eph2810 said...

Congrats Catherine...for both - a new baby and winning the PM's contest...

SWH said...

You just made me cry happy tears!!!! I'm so happy for you! And yes you are very good at keeping secrets and are very justified in morbid humor! I think thats what pushed the happy tears out of my eyes!

grumpyABDadjunct said...

WHOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Oh man I'm so excited for you guys! Are you going to go into knitting overdrive now? Remember to make things for the 6 month mark, the kid won't need sweaters in August. Go for August 10th, that's MY birthday :)

On the medical front. I had a uterine infection too, and it has been suggested that I go on antibiotics for the last few weeks of the pregnancy. No one seems particularly excited about it, it was just a suggestion, one option among many, but it is something you could look into.

Jillian said...

CATHERINE!!!!!!!!!! Jeez Louise, you have a wonderful way of breaking news Girl!!!

I am sooooooo happy for you that I am struggling not to sit here blubbing at the computer (kids are sitting next to me - how do I explain it?)

I will be thinking of you every single day and hoping for the absolute best for you and your family.

Also, welcome to the freak out pregnant chick's club:) And keep on tormenting the doctor like that. It's amusing to say the least:)

Congrats and one day at a time now I guess.

Roxanne said...

Oh Catherine...I am crying! I know it can't take away the pain and another baby will never replace Alex, but I know how healing it has been to have Gideon and I want the same for you. I am thinking such great thoughts for you. Yeah!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Catherine, and Steve - I am SO happy for both of you! I can't imagine how scarey this is, but it is WONDERFUL news :) A huge congratulations to you!

Anonymous said...

Blessings to you, your family and the new little life.

laura said...

oh my god oh my god oh my god!!!!!!! i don't get to read blogs for a few days and THIS is what i miss.

i am just over the moon for you!

Anonymous said...

Catherine---I've only been reading here for a short time, and I don't know about your faith. I'm Catholic, and a member of St. Gerard Majella Parish. This saint is the patron of expectant parents, and this morning at Mass the priest said a special blessing for all those hoping to conceive or awaiting a birth. Since I'd just read your news before leaving for church, I thought of you and prayed for you.

More blessings.

David Edward said...

hi congrats on winning the contest at Pure mood - and congrats on that othere thing ( doing a little guy humor here) ummm How about them Seahawks!! woo hoo

Anna said...

OMG! Congrats!! I've been on semi-bedrest and haven't been checking blogs like I should...I'm so sorry to have missed this! EEK! I'm thinking of you and praying this baby gets here strong and healthy! Its gonna be a long 7-8 months, but you can do it! Love ya!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm joyful that Steve and Catherine refused to let fate deal them a future. I'm terrified for them and their near future. I'm joyful that Sam will not be alone. I'm terrified Sam might end up alone. I'm joyful I will have another grandchild. I'm terrified my child might be at risk. I love all three of them so much it sometimes physically hurts. In addition I love every single one of you people for giving my daughter and son-in-law support, encouragement, and hope. You all have helped them immensely. May God bless and keep you all safe. Catherine's MOM :)

Muddystingbee said...

Catherine! Congratulations!!!!

AJW5403 said...

A huge CONGRATULATIONS!!! I am so thrilled for you. May this ride be nothing but easy for you and your family.

Sweet Coalminer said...

How did I miss this entry???? Catherine, I hope this is an easy road with a wonderful outcome.

Lisa P. said...


Congratulations!!! Freak out all you like... but we'll congratulate you nonetheless!


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