Friday, January 13, 2006

The uniform of a preschooler

Sam has a blankie and a doggie that he simply MUST take with him to daycare/preschool every day. The blankie is usually one of the two that I made him, so I think that's sweet. The doggie is this floppy thing he got as a Christmas gift for his first Christmas from one of my aunts. He's developed an attachment to this poor thing and can't eat, sleep, or travel without having it by his side.

This morning, while going through their normal morning routine of Steve folding Sam's still 3/4 sleeping body into his coat, I heard Sam say, "No, that's MY blankie." I giggled and said, "Nobody's going to mug him in his sleep." And it's true...he has a sort of radar about these two snuggly items that is adorable to watch. I thought it was a unique part of his story. Until this morning.

I was driving to work through the quiet residential neighborhood near the courthouse and I past this little yellow house. The mother was attempting to usher her half asleep daughter out the front door. They were headed to preschool. Know how I know? Yep...a blankie and a doggie. it's still a unique part of Sam's life story. But it also means he part of something bigger. And when I think of him spending all his time during the day at daycare/preschool, I can smile and know that he's not alone out there with his blankie and his doggie.


Anonymous said...

Sam isn't alone. For Zoe it was little stuffed animals -like the beanie babies -because she could shove them under her arm and take them everywhere. Even at the old age of 9, she STILL sleeps with her animals every night. She now has a 'system' though where they get rotated out so no one feels left out. But the one who is still always with her is turtley. He is under her head every night. (probably should wash it more often, but I am afraid he'll fall apart if I do!)

Jo said...

I just came by via Windfall Woman and have spent the last few hours reading. I just want to say Sam is adorable, (I have a daughter about the same age) I am so sorry for your loss of Alex.
From my new medical knowledge standpoint, I think you were wronged in your second pregnancy. I wish you and your beautiful family the best.
Take care,

kate said...

Chloe also loves her doggie, but she doesn't take it to daycare (she has a giraffe that lives in her box there). Alexander never took to any blankies or plush toys -- give the boy a matchbox car though and he would never let it go.

Diana said...

my Little Man has a different "lovey" almost every day, but he has the same attachment to whatever it may be.
have you considered Puerto Rico? shorter plane ride than most vaca spots...
love the purse. I'm sure whoever you send it to will like it!

MB said...

Sniff, sniff...


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