Wednesday, May 20, 2009

She's lost her mind

I'm doing something my mother doesn't really approve of. But I've waited a reasonable amount of time to make sure I'm not making a spur-of-the-moment decision and, even though I'm nervous, I think I'm ready.

I'm getting a tattoo. Friday.

Now here's my dilemma...the design. Here are my options at this point...
I won't tell you which is my favorite because I want an impartial opinion from the internets. So...which do you like?

They can all be altered, so feel free to make suggestions. I want it to be pretty small...but not tiny. Maybe two or three inches across at the biggest point. I also want to work in the colors of the boys' birthstones (or rather, birthstones for Sam & Myles, and what-should-have-been-birthstones for Alex and May, June, September, and November).

I toyed with the idea of a celtic heart, but I used that on Alex's headstone and...well...I'm not sure I want the same thing on my person. I want a visible reminder...just not such an in-my-face one, ya know?

I've been thinking about this for, literally, years now. I can't believe it's finally time to do it.


Linlu said...

I like the one with the purple and blue hearts but you need to modify it to have 4 hearts one of each color birthstone. Any good tattoo artist should be able to accomplish this. There is a great place on the square in Chardon called Square City Tattoo.

JEN said...

loooove top left. must be tattoo loss day, did you read my blog? :D

lorem ipsum said...

I like the one at four o'clock. I was attracted to it even before I read your solicitation for opinions.

That said, I'm sure you've already made up your mind. Follow your heart.

Anonymous said...

Wahooo! Welcome to the "dark" side! Just to warn you, it's true what they can't just have one. It's like potato chips.

I like the one on the on the bottom right.

P.S. My tattoo for my kids is similar. Each heart is the color of my boys and girls birthstones.

Sami said...

I'm very torn... I like the heart with the 4 stars, but I also like the one with the black, then the blue & purple hearts but I can't imagine what it would like with 4 hearts... You'll have to let us see the final product!

Hennifer said...

I'd so love if you'd send me the picture of choices. I cannot get it to load on my computer through the blog.

I'm excited for you! I'm dying to get my tattoo but I don't know where I want it on my body. Well even that isn't true. I do know but it doesn't seem appropriate for a 30something mother of 2 who works in corporate america...

Anyway, I'd love to see.

SWH said...

I vote for the one on the bottom right! can't wait to see what you get. :)

Jenny said...

I like the one with the blue and purple hearts too.

Yo-yo Mama said...

Bottom left.Each heart a different color and it's highly unlikely that it will "warp" into something unrecognizable when you move whatever body part it's on.

MB said...

Top left. It's got the 4 hearts for each boy and you can decide which one stands for whom. Where are you putting it???

Sherri said...

i LOVE LOVE LOVE the one with the stars, at the bottom left. it is beautiful and sweet.

Sherri said...

...i meant to add that the reason i like it is that it is like the heart is yours, surrounded by your four boys. i love it.

Unknown said...

Love TOP LEFT. But then, bottom left could represent you and Steve and then your four boys.

I LOVE what getting a tattoo represents - and the pain you must bear in getting it.

Symbolic in some way, I just think it's a beautiful thing.

Go, Catherine! Can't wait to see which one you picked!

I don't know why, but I'm really really drawn to the top left. It just looks like YOU.

JMB said...

Bottom left. The boys are your stars, and they will always be in orbit around your heart. The four hearts one looked too small, and the others may not morph well once you change them to accomplish what you want. Go for it!

Trevor Coultart said...

Another vote for bottom left from me.

kp said...

It's probably too late -- but what about a dragonfly?

Mrs. Fun said...

i like the heart with the 4 stars under it....
i am anxious know which one you got...

Kendra's mom said...

I like the heart and 4 stars, each star a different color with the heart your own color. Where are you going to have it done?

I was planning on doing one with my son and daughter's initials intertwined, now with the next one on the way I will wait till afterwards and then have 3 initials.


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