Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Need your help

I need help coming up with a catchy/funny/semi-interesting team name for my fantasy baseball team. is true...I participate in fantasy baseball. Though, honestly, "participate" is a word used very loosely...since my team generally ends up somewhere in the neighborhood of last place.


lorem ipsum said...

• Cellar-Dwelling Divas (if you're women).

• Cellar-Dwelling D_______ (Dreamers?)

• Leaguey Faucets

• Next Year's Models

Wait, I'm sure I can come up with more.

Shinny said...

Ok, Take into account that I am totally NOT into baseball.

Katie's Krazy Katchers

Geneva Geriatrics (if they aren't all that great ;))

Save The Dog - Catchers

Ok, enough, you are catching me at the end of the day after a rough week with my newly black-eyed girl.

Jelly-Filled said...

The Mighty Mushrooms


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