Friday, August 22, 2008

Philosophical beliefs

I try not to talk about "right" and "wrong" parenting decisions here because I'm firmly entrenched in the "only you know what works for your family" camp (so long as we're not talking abuse or neglect). Breastfeeding/bottlefeeding, cloth/disposable diapers, pacifier/no pacifier, when to start solid foods, etc...all negotiable topics as far as I'm concerned.

But I'm going to break my own rule here and say that I think everyone should read this CDC Press Release about measles/vaccination.

And that is all I will say on this topic.


Lissa Lane said...

It's good to know. But as someone who almost lost a child to vaccines and she's permanently disabled from the reaction she had to it I'll take a chance with the measles rather then the vaccines. Raeden is 100% fully un-vaccinated and besides pneumonia (From her asthma) she's healthy as a horse.

Especially considering the fact that last year's Measles outbreak 50% of the cases were in vaccinated teenagers meaning that the vaccine isn't a for life thing in some people

Jillian said...

Another angle is that in many cases parents would be far more comfortable with separating the measles, mumps and rubella shots and paternalistic governments are not allowing it because they believe the lazy among us (the perceived majority of mothers) just wouldn't get it done. They also claim to be reducing the trauma on the child.

I for one am EXTREMELY uncomfortable with the MMR being given at 12 months of age and waited until 18 months with my kids. Not because of the autism association, but becuase it is a lot to load a tiny immune system with as the MMR comes with other shots as well. I could not even pay to get the vaccinations seperated because I wasn't trusted to follow up with the other two shots at later dates.

I don't know if this is an issue in the US but it certainly is in the UK and Europe. So I would have to say on reading that article that it has quite a bias that doesn't mind skewing information for effect.

That said, a high immunization rate is essential to keep our general population's health as good as it is. And all that's just my opinion :)

Sara said...


In the US you can have the MMR separated (at least in the state where I live).

ZM said...

You can get the MMR separated, but boy, it's not always easy. Your pedi looks at you sideways, talks about the importance of vaccines, stresses that hers is a vax practice, etc.

Sheesh, people. I'm not anti-vax (although I'll admit to being deeply suspicious of the aluminum and chickenpox dealy-wagons), I just don't want to squirt that much stuff that fast that young.

But hey, it all works out.


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