Monday, October 01, 2007

Moment of mommy panic

The other day, Sam asked me, "So how does the baby come out of your stomach?"


(complete blank)


DD said...

"Why, through the birth canal of course."

Maggie said...

At least he didn't ask you how it got in there!

Kim said...

You're having a c-section, right? At least that makes the explanation easier...

My niece was convinced that all babies were cut out of their mommy's tummies, like she had seen on A Baby Story once. So she kept asking my SIL to see the scar where her little brother came out of mommy's tummy. Finally, SIL had to explain to her where babies came out of. Her reaction?

"No. way."

Jillian said...

Yup, that's one advantage of being able to flash my 'zipper'.

My daughter saw a different episode of birth story and knows how other babies come out and I didn't even have to tell her! Bonus!

Julia said...

I am a biologist and an educator, so I can't make myself lie about such things. Just can't. So I have had to go age appropriate on both the exit (there is a special opening that comes out between mommy's legs and normally it's very small, but when the baby is ready to be born it stretches to accommodate the baby) and entry (baby grows out of one single cell that gets created when special cells from mommy and daddy meet, and mommy's are only available very rarely, and when that one little cell is made, it starts dividing, and sometimes it can find its way to the special compartment called uterus to implant and then sometimes the baby eventually grows out of this one implanted group of cells. But at that point we had talked about cells more than a few times before.)

But I agree-- you are having a C, so you can "cheat." :)

Ruby said...

Hope your doing well.

kate said...

my thought was the same as maggie's!

Chris, Renae & Annie said...

This might be a great time to use the "Go ask your father" card!

Julie said...

Living in the zoo you do, has he ever seen one of the critters giving birth?
But, yeah, "go ask your father" always works. :-D


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