Friday, April 20, 2007

Miscellaneous Thoughts

I don't understand espadrilles.
I could blog about the Supreme Court's decision upholding the federal partial-birth abortion ban. But I'm afraid it would end in a rant about how well-meaning individuals spread false information and make the entire women's movement look like it is run by a bunch of idiots. If you don't know what you're talking about then...oh never mind. Steve already heard the speech so I will refrain from being repetitive.
I will also refrain from blogging about the Virginia Tech shootings because I'm not an expert...I don't know anyone affected...and I'm horrified at the use of this tragedy for ratings/readership. All I will say is that I am sad that one human being could do this to another human being. I am also sad that horrors like this occur every single day in places all around our world. Places where it has become just a sad routine. Places that don't get 24/7 news coverage.
Is anyone else creeped out by the photos of Larry Birkhead and that baby? There is something about that man that is just icky.
Sanjaya is gone! Can I get a hallelujah?!?!
I have discovered the power of the phrase, "Go to your room." It will immediately result in tears and much hysteria. It is as if I have banished him to outer Siberia, never to return home. What is it that cause this little phrase to strike such fear into his little heart? I really have no idea. But he is learning that he will talk to me with respect and kindness or he will spend time alone. I hope I'm not damaging his little psyche too much.
Tonight is pizza and game night. Steve picked up Chutes & Ladders and Mr. Mouth (the new version...sigh...I guess there's no getting around the fact that we're getting old). I'm excited! I hope Sam enjoys it!
I bought red carpet border lillies (or is it red border carpet lillies?...anyway) and have had the bulbs tucked away all winter. I'm sure I had a plan as to where I wanted to plant them, but I simply cannot remember. And you know that as soon as I put them somewhere, I will remember what I actually wanted to do with them.
I have lately been irritated by people who have all the answers. People watch an episode of Dateline and they are suddenly experts on whatever subject. People read an article somewhere about something and they are suddenly an expert. It is maddening (and I am apparently very cranky).
The sun is finally shining! For anyone who is unaware, the greyness of this part of the United States usually hangs on from October to May and can get quite depressing. So it is a welcome change to see that ball of happiness hanging in the sky. I hope the weather is pleasant for the street festival in my hometown tomorrow. I love a parade...but I love a parade in the sunshine even more.
The final check has been paid to the contractor. They are officially out of my house! Now how do I get them to get their crap off my front lawn?

And yes...there is still more painting to be done. But we're getting there...slowly but surely.
I got rave reviews on the frozen waffles, cool whip, and fresh strawberries. Who knew my office was so easy to please?
And people wonder why I have "issues" with the Catholic Church.
Did I mention I don't understand espadrilles?


Anonymous said...

So I guess since the house is officially done, then I should get off my rear and mail your housewarming gift that I've had since last OCTOBER!? I am a sucky friend. (Blushing)

DD said...

I kind of like espadrilles. I can't figure out the stacked-heel pumps. I think they look cheesy because the heel looks like they've been wrapped in shelfing paper.

Anonymous said...

I have the same issues with the Catholic Church. I can't fathom how anyone can think that children are born in sin. Babies are the most innocent of the innocent. (sigh)

Oh, and I'm with you on the espradrilles.


My mom insisted on living independently. She wanted to live in the two-story house she and my dad built in the 70s, despite the fact that da...