Monday, April 02, 2007

Cosmic joke?

As if there is nothing better for women to do in the spring but gestate...
As if EVERY service person who helps me isn't 50 months pregnant...
As if there aren't even TWO pregnant girls in the bathroom at Target...
As if a friend isn't due any day now...
As if another friend didn't just send me the links to the slide shows of the only pictures she will ever have of her much-loved daughter...

Walking out of JoAnn Fabrics to my empty minivan today, what should I see?
A family of NINE children...all dressed in homemade clothing...the youngest in a carrier strapped to his mama's breast.


I counted them.


I'm laughing. Really.


Anonymous said...

Blech! That is all I can say about that.

Becci said...


Although (can you believe it?)once upon a time I wanted a family like that.


My mom insisted on living independently. She wanted to live in the two-story house she and my dad built in the 70s, despite the fact that da...