Friday, February 02, 2007

Too sensitive?

I got an email today that was supposed to be funny.

It had all kinds of goofy pictures of boys doing stupid or funny things. It was followed by one of those lists...
Play dough and microwave should not be used in the same sentence.
Super glue is forever.

I know the majority of the email was funny.

But it started with, "----For those who have sons & those of us who are happy that we don't."

I want to cry.

Am I being too sensitive?


DD said...

If you are, then so am I as I had the same reaction to that one.

Some people need to get out of their boxes once in a while...

Anonymous said...

I don't think so!

People just don't realise, not really their fault. They're just lucky enough to be living a charmed life!

Have a good weekend!


Stephanie said...

I don't think sensitivity to a loss is able to be measured with words like "too" are who you are and you feel as you feel. There's nothing "too" about any of that.

kate said...

no? yes? who cares. That one would have hit me badly too. It was a stupid thing to send to you, without deleting that first sentance...

Elizabeth said...

You're not being too sensitive.

People just don't get it.

This must be the week of stupid people - I had comments make to me a baby shower, Hedda had a teacher say stupid stuff to her.

At least it's Friday, maybe next week people will be smarter...

Aurelia said...

You aren't being too sensitive. This would tick me off to, partially because no one would ever send it around if it was phrased the other way, as if girls were unwanted, because they were too ---insert whatever here.
There seems to be this thing of slamming boys, like they are all too loud or messy or something these days.
Like you, I'm just glad I have a living kid, even when mine are playing with superglue.
Whoever sent this too you was being unkind on a couple of levels.

Laura said...

Well, no, you're not. That would have really thrown me, too.

I would have sent it right back to that person with a little note that said, "Please don't send me things like this." I've said that people are clueless a thousand times, but sometimes I think that they need to *know* that they are behaving that way and need a little sensitivity training.

Laura said...

That was me, Laura, by the way. The thingy won't let me sign in with my blogger account. dammit.

msfitzita said...

Nope, not from where I'm standing you're not.

I had a newly pregnant friend tell me that I needed to embrace the power of positive thinking to overcome infertility like she did. She laid that one on me the same afternoon she told me she was pregnant. I'm still trying to regain my equilibrium after that double whammy.

There's no such thing as too sensitive when you've been to hell and back. I'm sorry people still just don't get it, and I'm sorry you had to deal with this today.

It's all shades of wrong.

Holley said...

No you are not too sensitive. I'm not sure how you measure something like that anyway.



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