Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Crochet hook advice

Any crocheters out there?

Have you ever tried SOFTtouch crochet hooks? Do they really feel as nice as they advertise?

Have you ever tried handcarved wooden crochet hooks? I don't really like plastic, so I'm wondering if I will have the same aversion to wooden ones? to stitch some more...


laura said...

i got nothing on crochet hooks. i once latch-hooked half a rug kit my grandma gave me. and i hooked part of a pot holder - another gift kit. that's it. what i did want to tell you regarding your handiwork is that your global frogs blanket is the best blanket EVER. when milo's in the carseat and it's wrapped around him is the only time he doesn't fuss about being in the seat because he's distracted by all the little things going on with it, and when he's tired he loves to rub the flannel side against his face, AND now that he's bigger and nursing him in public is like wrestling a bear in a pup tent, the froggy blanket is so fabulous because it's big enough to contain him without flashing my ta-tas to the world. a thousand thank yous!

KB said...

I haven't tried the soft ones, although (like you) I have thought about it. I despise plastic and usually use the metal (aluminum) ones, which are ok.

I did try bamboo knitting needles instead of my standard metal ones, and found I QUITE liked them. Only thing I didn't like was the price, but they were still pretty cheap, all things considered.

Go treat yourself to one or two to try them out!


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