Sunday, November 26, 2006

Bah Humbug - Or - I Have Now Seen It All

Yes, in between the giant inflatable Santa Clauses, who appear to be signalling touchdowns, there is a giant inflatable nativity. There is nothing about the Christmas holiday that says faith better than a giant inflatable balloon in your snow covered front lawn, doncha think? Hell, there's nothing that says Christmas more than a giant inflatable penguin/reindeer/who-the-heck-knows-what-else on a giant inflatable merry-go-round...or a giant inflatable Santa hanging in a hammock in between two giant inflatable palm trees...or a giant inflatable snowman family in a giant inflatable snow globe. I mean, that's the stuff that magical holiday memories are made of! No? I'm wondering if this phenomenon has reached everywhere or if this is just a weird new local tradition? I'd really like to think that it's limited to just my redneck area, but I suspect the world has just gone bat-shit crazy(to borrow one of my new favorite phrases from a fellow blogger).

Speaking of strange interpretations of Christmas. Yesterday I saw an outdoor, fully decorated Christmas tree with standard red bows and red and silver ornaments. It was quite lovely. And then I realized it was sporting an American flag on top. Now, I'm no expert in all things Christmas...nor am I an expert in all things Christian...and I'm all for freedom of expression...blah, blah, blah... But I gotta say that I think that interpretation is just plain wrong. The American flag? I think there's something in that old Christmas story about a star or an angel on high or heavenly hosts...or peace. I'm pretty sure there's nothing in there about flag waving patriotism supplanting the magic of Christmas. But I could be's been a while since I read it.

I'm trying. I'm really really really trying. But stuff like this makes it damn hard.

It all makes me laugh. Not in a, "that was funny," way...but more in a, "you have got to be kidding me," way.

Or maybe the spirit of Christmas just got lost on her way to my house. If you see her, can you send her the right direction please?

***I do apologize to anyone who may actually HAVE a giant inflatable nativity in their lawn (or any other giant inflatable for that matter). I'm sure they look very nice in YOUR lawn.***


Jillian said...

If inflatable christmas paraphenalia equals bat-shit crazy then sign us up too:)

AJW5403 said...

I hate those things but my husband loves them. My yard has ben taken over by them.

Lisa P. said...

We have people on the next street over who put up inflatables for every major holiday, and it's freaky. I saw the inflatable nativity last year and was in disbelief myself...

Anonymous said...

It's hideous. I wish they made a giant inflatable menorah...I would give it to my jewish friends just as a joke. Although I think her husband would love it...she would kill me.

We have a lot of that stuff in our neighborhood. Scary. But the kids love it.

Anonymous said...

What, there's no inflatable angel on the nativity that goes up and down? We need to write to the company and DEMAND it for next year....

You know, my dh always says -- whoever thought up that inflatable idea is a gazillionaire by now....

GLouise said...

No inflatables here! My husband wanted to propose that our homeowner's association make them illegal- hee hee.

Zendo Deb said...

Come on, decorating trees for Yule is hardly unique to Christmas. And while it has been appropriated by Christians, adding an American Flag to the celebration of a federal holiday hardly seems out-of-bounds.


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