Thursday, September 21, 2006

There's always more to the story...

Did she or didn't she?

The thing that amazes me is that they were so eager to "profile" a woman who lost a baby. When in fact, the profile could just be that of a nutcase.

And when the story breaks, you can always change the profile.

"In the vast majority of the cases we have seen, they have not" miscarried, Allen added.

I need to stop following this story...because it will only serve to piss me off further as the story unfolds.

Moral : Everybody lies stretches the truth.


MB said...

Okay, I have to stop reading it too. Oh, and I have to apologize to the friends we had dinner with last night because they were wanting to string her up and I was saying what a fine line it is... Ack.

Catherine said...

It's still a fine line. Does the woman deserve less understanding because she didn't have a baby die and is just run-of-the-mill mentally unstable? She could still be anyone...she could still be me.

Kellie said...

I guess whether or not she had a stillborn baby doesn't change the fact that what she did was wrong and clearly she's not mentally right.

As to whether or not she was physically capable of doing so... I delivered my stillborn baby at home in the morning and still went to my son's Christmas program that evening at school. So, I probably could have done it. She could still be me as well.

The whole situation is unfortunate. Thank God the baby is ok.

Catherine said...

I never said that the mother shouldn't be pissed and want her prosecuted. I'm just saying that I see the situation filtered through my own perspective and it's a little different these days from than the black and white opinion I used to have.

kate said...

Yeah, i agree, you should stop following it, and so should i. It pisses me off how the way the representation of the story is changing. For me, that is the kernel of the matter. Not so much the case itself but the fact that the initial presentation of the case in the media is a throwback that reflects poorly on all of us. I thought we were making progress with bringing issues of stillbirth and infant death into the 'light', so to speak. But here we have 'full-term miscarriage' and a profile which implies that women who have losses are nutcases who steal other women's babies? (*&@^@%!^!!!!! That is the reason *I* am pissed off.

Catherine said...

Thank you! My attempts to put it into words have been so poor...thank you!

delphi said...

Catherines, you are both so insightful!

I am upset on behalf of all of us that pregnancy loss and infertility are the typical profile of a baby stealer. Like Catherine2 said, I thought we were farther ahead on this educating the public thing...sigh...


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