Thursday, August 17, 2006

This is better?

So I had nightmares all night (the whole four hours of sleep I got)...about Sam, and our missing dog, and the screaming baby in the room next door.

If I start to cry I may never stop.

Sam's leg is better and worse this morning. I'm told it's normal to look bigger before it looks smaller...oooohhh-kayyy. But he seems to be feeling better and is currently eating an apple. He is amused by the constant stream of doctors and med students in and out of his room. He is quite the showman. And if one more woman gushes about how cute he is, I fear we won't be able to fit his head into the van for the ride home (whenever that may be).

Milo the dog is still missing. No signs that he has been back home. I fear he is gone forever. I miss him already.

Seriously...I KNOW it could be worse...but I'm not sure I can take any more.


Diana said...

Oh, Catherine!
I just went through one of these episodes with my mother. A mysterious 'bite' on her arm swelled to about a baseball size, and she was hooked up to IV's for a week. They cut the 'bite' open to drain it of any fluid and stitched it back up and kept her for observation...they still don't know what it was.
I'm keeping you guys in my thoughts, send love to Sam. (He really loves those nurses, huh? He's going to be a heart breaker!)

MB said...

Holy Hell. Hey, Universe!? You hear me? Can you give poor Cathy and her family a freaking break? There's only so much these people can take!

There, my shout out on your behalf. I hope it works and I hope that Sam gets better very quickly. What a scare! I don't know what it is, losing a child I guess, but I have the most vivid thoughts and nightmares about losing Gracie. They are so damn scary. I'm so sorry you are living one.


kate said...

I am glad to hear that Sam is feeling better, and hope his leg starts *looking* better ASAP! And maybe the dog *will* come back...i also wish i was closer, i would come look for him for you...though evidently my luck with animlas is not the best...

JMB said...

I so wish that I could be there to help out-even it is to look for Milo. Hopefully he will show back up, or someone will be smart enough to look at his tags. It's good to hear that Sam is doing better-if anything his ego may be helping to assist his recovery. (((Hugs)))

delphi said...

Sounds like you have a future performer on your hands! Hoping Sam continues to feel better...

Roxanne said...

Oh crap. Not what you need. :( I hope that Sam is better soon....:(


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