Friday, August 04, 2006


My aunt had something show up on her mammogram. She had a biopsy that showed at least 3 spots having cancerous cells. She will have a lumpectomy on Wednesday.

This is the aunt who selflessly moved in with her parents to care for them in their old age so they could remain at home. She watched her husband, a long time smoker, diagnosed with and treated for cancer of the neck. She crossed the distance to stand by us when we buried our Alex. She buried her mother with grace and dignity and has continued to care for her father with such immense love. She is an amazing woman.

This isn't her first fight with cancer. She had skin cancer on/in her leg many years ago that was removed with surgery. So I suppose it's not entirely a surprise that it could recur in another part of her body. But for God's sake...when is the universe going to dish out SOME justice already??? This is ridiculous!!!! And so f***ing unfair!!!!!!! I'm tired of ALL of this!!!!!!!


Julie said...

I'm sorry Catherine, my thoughts will be with her and your family.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry. (((hugs)))

lorem ipsum said...

It IS fucking unfair. Why the hell does it happen to people like your aunt, when others...

I know that sounds mean. But it's honest, too.

I hope it's easily treatable. She's not done here.


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