Saturday, May 20, 2006

You have GOT to be KIDDING me

This call is to remind you of your appointment at...(address)...on Wednesday, May 24th at 4pm. If you need to reschedule, please call...(number).

Uh...yeah...I need to reschedule...for the 5th of NEVER.

My baby is I'm assuming I don't need to pee in a cup this week.

Thanks for calling though.


Heather said...

How very professional. I am sorry, Kate.

Sarah said...

How insensitive!! Don't they have some kind of protocal for people who have lost a baby?! That is just cruel. I'm so sorry we live in such an impersonal world.

Julie said...

Oh Cathy, (((((((((hugs))))))))

Anonymous said...

Oh, lordy...I don't even know what to say. (((hugs)))

kate said...

Ugh. Bastards. I am sorry.

=) nan said...

when i went to the OB after my miscarriage the office manager said, "your OB appt isn't until xxx". i was so mad i spoke very loudy saying, "yeah well i had a miscarriage last week so i won't need that OB appt. instead i'm having my miscarriage follow up appt. thanks". i'm sure i made every pregnant lady in the room cringe, but so what. my chart should have been flagged.

sillyhummingbird said...

Oh Catherine, how cruel. The day after my son died we received a call from the receptionist at the pediatrician's office stating bloodwork had been ordered for him and would we like to set up an appointment. My husband explained he had died and the nurse actually said, "how can that be? According to our records he was just born?" Yeah, how can that be??? Hoping these little cruelties end for you.

-tnchick- said...

Gawd, I wish you were kiddin' - how shameful of them

Grafted Branch said...

Sounds like you need a new OB. It doesn't have to be that way.

I'm overwhelmed in reading your stories -- I'm so sorry.


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