Friday, April 28, 2006

Due in September

21 people responded to the question, "What is your fear/concern about birth?"

2 people are first timers who say they are afraid of everything.

5 people specifically mention a fear of stillbirth.

Interesting how things have changed from the last time the question was asked.


kate said...

That is....good? Progress, anyway. Sigh.

Sweet Coalminer said...

Maybe it is just one of those things you can't can't can't get your head around when you're pregnant. I mean, I knew it could happen and was terribly afraid, but I had to decide that I would be conscientious of the baby inside me and beyond that there was nothing I could do.

I have to admit though that when they told me they were going to have to cut her out because she was tachycardic, I was more worried about the c-sect than her - I felt she would be fine - hormones and fear and adrenaline and all that - and I am still amazed that I had the feeling whenever I was asking questions about her heartrate, etc., in the hospital that they thought I was a crazy nervous nelly. I don't think I could have fit that fear into my head just then. I'm sorry you have to cope with it.


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