April 8th is here...so I'm going to complain here about some other things...in the hopes that they might distract me from...well...ALL OF IT.
My shower's been busted for more than a year. I have to use "the cats' bathroom." You know the one...with the kitty litter that is ALWAYS on the tile to step on...no matter HOW MANY TIMES I sweep it up. And I have to walk from one end of the house to the other...which is..."invigorating" is a good word for it.
My kitchen. One word...gross. There is a HOLE in the floor under my refrigerator. Not a small one...but one that critters obviously can fit through. The wall that my son divested of wallpaper SIX YEARS AGO is still in the same post-peel state (and yellow...SO yellow). But oh-my-heck...the THOUGHT of tearing it all up and re-doing it...yuck!
I desperately want a photography studio. I've found several options. But thanks to that hefty tax bill, I no longer have the money. Add to this the fact that I am not happy in my job and today is April 8th...and you have one surly b**** on your hands.
My body has widened and/or my husband has shrunk a lot of my clothes...so nothing fits (and I hate whatever does fit). So I need new clothes for work (at home I'm perfectly satisfied to wear pajamas).
I want to go bike-riding with my family. My husband has a broken bike tire. WHY WON'T HE TAKE IT IN TO BE FIXED?!?!
Both cars need repairs.
The horses need their hooves trimmed (*My husband is taking care of this this morning!).
The horses need their hooves trimmed (*My husband is taking care of this this morning!).
I need to go to the DMV...it doesn't even matter why...I mean...it's the DMV...kill me now.
I need a camera battery and high-quality SD cards for my weddings this year.
I need a camera battery and high-quality SD cards for my weddings this year.
The floors are filthy because it's spring thaw time and I have nine dogs. WHY the f*** do I have NINE dogs? Oh...I love them...but SOME DAYS...sigh...
I know, I know, I know...take it one thing at a time...